Use of the College Name

在任何公共表演或娱乐活动中使用bv伟德ios下载的名字必须获得适当的学院当局的许可, on any printed program, souvenir, material, or merchandise.

Campus Visitor Hours

The campus is closed to unregistered visitors each day from midnight to 8 a.m. (weekdays) and 2-8 a.m. (weekends). 这项条例是为公共安全办公室制定的,因为未经授权的人, in the past, caused damage, made unnecessary noise, and have been a source of concern.

Campus Visitor Registration

Students may register up to two guests, in the Office of Public Safety, for no longer than a 72 hour period. 过夜的客人必须年满七岁,但“小姐妹周末”期间除外.” All guests are issued a guest pass from the Office of Public Safety. At the request of College personnel, or Campus Public Safety officers, students are required to show student identification cards and/or guest passes. 未登记的客人和不能出示适当证件的个人将被护送出校园.

The Chapel Series

Chapel time is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 提供的计划和服务是通过共同学习和崇拜来提高和加强bv伟德ios下载社区. Through sharing in these common experiences, there is also the opportunity of forming new relationships.

Campus Behavior


Use of College Facilities

经认可的学生组织,只要遵守适当的注册程序,就可以使用校园设施. 使用学院设施以增加其财政的机构可能会被收取象征性的费用,以支付照明费用, service, etc. Registration information is available in the Todd Wehr Center Office. Public areas in the residence halls, such as lobbies, lounges, 地下室是不可预订的,被指定用于非正式聚会和宿舍规划.

Official Recognition of Organizations

被正式认可为校园组织,有权使用学校设施举行会议和活动, any organized group must have the official sanction of the Student Government. 希望探索建立组织的可能性的学生应联系学生参与主任,以解释正确的程序. To remain in recognized standing, 每个组织每学期必须向学生参与主任提交一份官员和成员名单. 在两个学期内未能遵循此程序的组织将被视为不活跃,并将失去其在校园内的官方地位. Reactivation shall involve the same procedure necessary for original recognition.

所有学生组织必须在学生生活办公室保存一份最新的章程. 学生组织必须遵守其章程以及bv伟德ios下载社区守则. 如果不这样做,可能会对被指控的组织进行纪律调查并得出结论. 投诉:对某一组织不遵守其章程条款的投诉或报告, or by the terms of the Community Code, will be investigated and acted upon by the Office of Student Life.

Organization Membership

所有bv伟德ios下载组织的成员必须是bv伟德ios下载社区的注册成员.e. student, staff, faculty, administration). The College imposes no grade requirements for participation in an organization, with the exception of Greek organizations. Individual groups may impose academic requirements. 任何希望在一个组织中担任选举或任命职务的成员必须至少达到2分.在学期开始时,该成员将承担办公室的职责, and maintain a minimum of 2.00 cumulative grade point average while holding office. Organizations, however, may impose higher standards.

Registration of Events

All organized events, their dates, and locations are to be scheduled and authorized through the Todd Wehr Center Office. This policy includes both open and closed functions to be held on campus. 不遵守适当的注册程序将导致活动被取消,并失去主办机构的特权. 所有在官方学院日历上预先注册的日历日期必须在Todd Wehr中心办公室提前两周确认或取消. 活动登记表,程序和信息可在托德威尔中心办公室.

Responsibility for Personal Effects

学院不负责,也不保险盗窃,损失,或损坏的个人物品. Students would be wise to have their belongings insured under a comprehensive policy, owned by their parents or themselves. 学生对自己的个人物品负责,并应标记每一件衣服和所有其他在一年中带来或获得的财产.

Be sure to make all identification markings as permanent as possible. 偷窃应立即报告给学生生活办公室和公共安全办公室. The Office of Public Safety maintains a “Lost and Found.“学院强烈建议学生,如果他们的房间无人居住,锁上门,不要把房间钥匙借给任何人. 学院鼓励所有住校学生购买个人财产保险. 失物招领处的物品将保存一年,如无人认领,将予以处置.

The Office of Public Safety

bv伟德ios下载公共安全办公室位于约翰逊宿舍楼的露台层. They can be reached at extension 5911 or 262-551-5911. Carthage Public Safety Officers assist with maintaining a safe and orderly campus community by performing periodic inspections of buildings and grounds; guarding against fire, theft, and illegal entry; administering campus parking policies and motor vehicle registration; and providing information services to the campus community on matters of safety and crime.

公共安全经理与当地执法部门和民政当局保持工作关系. 这些管理人员可以在涉及学生与当地执法部门互动的问题上提供澄清和协助.

公共安全人员是学院的指定代理人,有权询问任何个人, including students, for identification and assistance in performing their duties. 学生在执行学院要求的职责时,必须遵守bv伟德ios下载公共安全官员的指示和要求. 未能适当回应bv伟德ios下载公共安全官员的要求可能导致学院的纪律处分.