bv伟德ios下载学院第24任校长约翰. 燕子是一种战略, 关系, entrepreneurial leader dedicated to improving education through liberal arts institutions.

约翰·斯洛总统 2017年被聘为bv伟德ios下载的总统, he saw an unusual opportunity to lead an historic liberal arts college to create an ever more meaningful environment for students, to design that environment for the wider range of students accessing 高等教育 today, in doing so to meet head-on the many challenges of the private 高等教育 sector, 从人口统计数据到家庭财务状况. bv伟德ios下载教员, 工作人员, board leaders affirmed a combination of values he found especially compelling: a deep appreciation for the liberal arts, 出国留学, 和包容, together with a commitment to an entrepreneurial and resourceful approach to the future. 他于2017年7月1日就职.

从那以后的五年里, 他领导了bv伟德ios下载的发展, both in the education it offers and how it organizes itself to offer that education. 由此产生的成就, which he credits to the great work of an outstanding faculty and 工作人员 and a committed and supportive board, 包括创纪录的第一年入学人数, 筹资水平几乎是现在的两倍, 在最近的一项调查中,校友的强烈支持. 斯沃洛总统经常这么说, 自1847年成立以来, bv伟德ios下载有着辉煌的进化史, 比许多类似的机构都要多, 并在不断的进化中找到成功的源泉. bv伟德ios下载一如既往的强大, 并渴望比以往任何时候都更能扩大其影响力.

2018年,斯沃洛总统监督了 Aspire计划™, 一个全面的, 为所有本科生提供的四年职业发展计划, 拿出1500万美元的礼物. In 2019, determined to make a Carthage education accessible to the widest possible pool of talented students, he stood up for cost transparency and lowered Carthage’s “sticker price” by 30 percent. That year he also began the ongoing introduction of new curricular and co-curricular programs, 现在有哪些本科专业 盟军的健康, 数据科学, 工程, 游戏开发, 剧本创作,特别的 音乐学士学位 在钢琴表演和节目 协作的钢琴, 音乐教育, 音乐剧; master’s degrees in 体育训练, 体育管理, 音乐教育学,包括一个轨道 音乐剧声乐教育学; and four new varsity athletic teams, including Carthage’s first 电子竞技的男女同校队.

“We have thought deeply about how we can best serve our students as they pursue their education and dreams. Carthage focuses on developing in our students high-value practical skills, 还有无限的求知欲. 学生们在bv伟德ios下载发现了他们的好奇心.” ——约翰·斯Swallow总统

In 2020 he committed Carthage to eliminate equity gaps by 2030 as part of the 股权的登月计划, 确立了bv伟德ios下载在这项重要工作中的领导地位, 他宣布了一个实质性的 反种族主义行动计划. 在他的领导下, bv伟德ios下载建立了第一个校友亲和团体, Wiggan-Kinniebrew黑人校友网络, held celebrations for 150 Years of Carthage Women and 75 Years of Black Excellence. These efforts included campaigns that raised nearly $10 million for related work, 董事会中的女性人数翻了一番, 有色人种董事会成员的数量翻了一番. In 2021 the College formally replaced its team names Red Men and Lady Reds with 火鸟. 这样做的时候, Carthage inaugurated a new identity that goes beyond athletics to unite all students and represent the fullness of liberal arts, 反映了, 例如, 在一些正式活动中加入斯特拉文斯基的《BETVLCTOR伟德登录》. In 2022-2023 Carthage eliminated equity gaps in first to second semester retention, which reached an all-time high and did not differ by race or income (as defined by Pell grant eligibility).

President Swallow has consistently prioritized Carthage’s reorganizing and renewing itself for the future, 总是专注于满足学生的需求和兴趣. In 2022 he led fundraising for a new home and expanded 工作人员ing for the College’s 健康与咨询中心他召集了几个学术部门成立了一个新的 工商经济学院, recruited a new food service provider to set a new standard of quality. 幕后故事, new software systems for student success and advancement have been installed, a new enterprise resource planning system is well on its way to full implementation, 各种需要的建筑系统更换正在进行.

President Swallow sees these many steps as laying the strongest possible foundation for Carthage’s future, is confident the years ahead will bring Carthage to a greater reach and impact than ever before.

President Swallow’s entrepreneurial approach is grounded in his deep interests in developments in business, 高等教育, 以及更广泛的非营利部门, 包括经济发展和劳动力发展. He is the past chair of the Higher Education Regional Alliance of 18 postsecondary institutions enrolling over 125,威斯康星州7个县的1万名学生, 与10多个其他伙伴组织一起. He has served as chair of the board of the 出赛 Area Business Alliance and now sits on the Leadership Council of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, as well as on the leadership tables of two StriveTogether organizations, Building our Future in 出赛 County and Higher Expectations for Racine County.

President Swallow’s board service includes eight years on the board of Agnes Scott College, 迪凯特的一所女子学院, 乔治亚州, 这是全国公认的创新, 社会流动性, students’ first-year experience; for 10 years as trustee and regent, 包括担任董事会秘书, 他的母校, 塞瓦尼的南方大学, Tennessee; and as a board member of the Council of Independent Colleges.

President Swallow left high school before graduating in order to enroll at The University of the South at the age of 15. He graduated in 1989 with honors in both English literature and mathematics, 然后在耶鲁大学读研究生, 他拥有两个硕士学位和一个博士学位.D.,都是数学. 他的教学和学术成就很早就得到了认可,并获得了约翰T. 北卡罗莱纳州戴维森学院的金布罗数学教授, teaching mathematics and interdisciplinary humanities there for 17 years, 并在2010年获得了欧米克隆三角洲卡帕教学奖. 致力于跨文化教育, he spent sabbatical years at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Université Bordeaux I. 在戴维森开始他的职业生涯之后, he was recruited in 2011 to return to his alma mater by John McCardell, former president of Middlebury College and then vice-chancellor and president of Sewanee. 在Sewanee, 斯沃洛担任教务长, 后来担任执行副总裁兼首席运营官, 在成为bv伟德ios下载总统之前.

President Swallow has published articles in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 赫芬顿邮报, 高等教育内幕, 和赫辛格报告, as well as an undergraduate textbook and more than two dozen research articles in mathematics, 很多都是以前的本科优等生. 在过去的两年里, 发表了三篇这样的合著研究论文, 还有两篇被接受发表.

他的妻子, 卡梅隆, has extensive experience as a secondary school math and English teacher, 以及教法语, 历史, 和戏剧. 2018年,她成为威斯康星州的联合协调员 勇敢的天使, 在全国范围内努力消除政治对话的两极化, 她还担任几个地区非营利组织的董事会成员. 夫人. Swallow is part of bluegrass band Flat Creek Highway, which plays at venues across the region.

The couple has two grown children, Bard and Sophie, a basset hound, Watson.

视频:约翰·R·克林顿总统. 燕子:bv伟德ios下载的故事